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workforce wellbeing services custom-tailored to the trades



where life gets better

Safety Wear

we are CFC

a scaffolding of mental health and wellbeing services custom-tailored to the construction trades

committed to burnout-prevention and a quality state of being

elevating every work day

Scaffolding is the support that allows us to build a solid foundation. Just like in life, we all need a little help sometimes.

- John Wooden

Construction Worker

why we CARE

The construction trades struggle with high rates of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, suicide, and thoughts of suicide. We care deeply about keeping these hardworking community not only alive, but well.

Industrial Construction Worker

how we HELP

Our program is your program: developed in partnership and custom-tailored to meet the specific needs, objectives, site conditions, and workflow of your organization. There is nothing plug-and-play about what we do.

CFC services

the 8 Dimensions of Wellbeing

physical, mental, social, recreational, financial, career, spirituality, home


our core focus, services, and team are built to address all areas of wellbeing for our at-risk craftworkers

core focus

Peer and Ally Support

Psychological Safety

Stress Management

Sleep Regulation
Tactical Mindfulness Tools

Substance Use and Misuse

Food and Mood

Communication and Relationships

Financial Wellness

Grief and Loss


Career Uncertainty


Pain Management and Injury Prevention

Healthy Leave of Absence

Healthy Return to Work

Prepping for the Weekend

Suicide Pre and Postvention

core services

Toolbox Talks

Workshops and Trainings

Teambuilding and Retreats

​Wellbeing Site-Walks

Referrals and Resources

Individual and Group Counseling

Critical Incident Response

Yoga and Ergonomics


Health Coaching

Mindfulness Coaching

Wellbeing Initiative and Challenges

Program Development and Support

Organizational Support

Reset and Resilience Rooms +

core team

Mental Health Providers

Substance Use Disorder Counselors

Occupational Therapists

Peer Wellness Support Professionals

Health Coaches

Mindfulness Coaches

Breathwork Instructors

Somatic Practitioners

Yoga Instructors


LAPs and EAPs

Trades Professionals



Kari Evans Founder and Executive Director  |  541 760 5080

let's make wellbeing possible!

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